Tricks for Getting a Child to Nap Every Day

If you’re a parent struggling to get your child to nap daily, you’re not alone. Napping can be a daily challenge for both kids and parents. Some children resist their body’s natural need for sleep, while others have trouble winding down after a busy morning. As a parent, it can feel like you’ve tried everything to get your little one to take a nap.

But don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. This blog article contains tricks to help your child nap every day, so keep reading for helpful tips and advice. With some patience and trial and error, you’ll be putting your kiddo down for naps like a pro in no time!

Is Napping Beneficial for Babies?

Before we get into tricks to child napping, let’s first discuss the benefits of napping for babies. Naps are crucial for babies as they help their cognitive, emotional, and physical development.

Cognitive Development

Naps help support a baby’s cognitive development by giving their brains time to process the information they’ve learned during the day. This “storage and consolidation” process is vital for brain development and helps babies learn new skills more quickly.

Emotional Development

Naps also give babies a chance to relax and de-stress from the stimulation of the day. This break can help reduce anxiety and support a baby’s emotional development.

Physical Development

Finally, naps help with a baby’s physical development. During sleep, babies’ bodies release growth hormones essential for cell regeneration and tissue repair. Naps also help improve muscle strength and coordination.

Tricks for How to Get Your Baby To Nap

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of napping, let’s get into tricks for getting your baby to nap every day.

1. Create a Consistent Schedule

One of the best ways to get your baby to nap is to create a consistent schedule. Babies thrive on routine and knowing what to expect. A regular nap time will signal to your baby’s body that it’s time to rest and prepare for sleep.

To create a consistent schedule, start by putting your baby down for a nap at the same time each day. If your baby struggles to fall asleep, you may need to experiment with different nap times to find what works best. Napping too early or too late can make it harder for babies to fall asleep.

Once you’ve found a good nap time, stick to it as much as possible. If your baby misses a nap or takes a late nap, try to put them down at the same time the next day. Consistency is critical when it comes to napping!

2. Create a Calming Environment

Another trick for getting your baby to nap is to create a calming environment. A dark, quiet room is ideal for napping, as it will help your baby relax and fall asleep more easily. You may also consider using a white noise machine to help your baby sleep.

Try massaging your baby before naptime or giving them a warm bath to further promote relaxation. These activities can help soothe and calm your baby, making it easier for them to fall asleep.

3. Avoid Overstimulation Before Naptime

Overstimulation can make it harder for babies to fall asleep, so avoiding it before nap time is essential. To avoid overstimulating your baby, try to keep them calm and relaxed for the hour leading up to their nap.

Some activities that may overstimulate your baby include watching television, playing active games, or eating sugary snacks. Instead, opt for calming activities such as reading a book, listening to soft music, or rocking in a chair.

4. Put Your Baby Down Drowsy but Awake

One common mistake parents make putting their babies to sleep when they’re already asleep. While this may seem like an easy way to get your baby to nap, it can make it harder for them to learn how to fall asleep independently.

Instead of putting your baby down to sleep, try to put them down when they’re drowsy but still awake. This will help them learn to fall asleep independently, an essential skill for napping and nighttime sleep.

If your baby struggles to stay awake, try gently rubbing their back or talking in a soft voice. These activities can help keep your baby awake long enough to put them down drowsy but awake.

5. Use a Sleep Aid

If your baby is having trouble falling asleep, you may want to try using a sleep aid. Sleep aids can help babies relax and feel sleepy, making it easier for them to fall asleep.

There are many different types of sleep aids available for babies. Some common sleep aids include lullabies, white noise, and gentle rocking. You may also want to try using something like a stuffed animal or blanket.

When using a sleep aid, start with a low setting and gradually increase it if needed. You should also only use the sleep aid for a short period, as babies can become dependent on them.

How Many Naps Should My Baby Take?

The number of naps your baby takes will depend on their age. Newborns generally take 3-4 naps daily, while older babies may only need 2-3 naps.

You may also notice that your baby’s nap schedule changes as they age. Babies typically take shorter and fewer naps as they grow older.

Talk to their doctor if you’re unsure how many naps your baby should take. They can offer guidance on your baby’s specific nap needs.


There you have it — tricks for getting your child to nap every day! Naps are crucial for young children, so do whatever you can to ensure they get one daily. With these tricks up your sleeve, you should be able to make nap time a breeze.

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