Community Counts at Our Gilbert AZ Preschool

Community is very important at our preschool Gilbert AZ is home

Our Local Business Directory is a diverse list of local businesses for people who are looking for a good, solid referral by our preschool Gilbert AZ. Businesses on this list are part of the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce and we personally know each one of them.

Giving back to our community is what makes this community great.

We personally sponsor The Higley Center for Performance Arts, Autism Speaks, Gilbert Education Foundation, and Higley Teacher of the Year. Additionally, we are a business partner for the Higley Unified School District.

One of our biggest events is the Ken Vandehei Golf Tournament, which raises money for the Higley Achievement Foundation Scholarship. This is a scholarship presented to Higley Unified School District students going on to college.

For more information, please visit under Higley Education Foundation. Please contact Mark Swisher at for more information on the tournament.

If you would like your community event or local charity sponsored by our preschool Gilbert AZ please contact us.

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